I asked Wyatt what he wanted to be. I was full of skepticism and doubt.
Wyatt says, "I want to be the Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. I need a bag of gold, Ma."
"I see," was the only logical reply. Then I thought quickly, "What on earth are you going to wear? You know, for clothes? You can't wear the gold, Kid."
"I don't know, Mom. Help me!"
"Well we're clean out of Kiss Boots to make you in to a giant..." I thought to my self. How in the heck am I going to turn my little five year old into a giant. For myself that would be easy...
Since I am the "look it up" kind of mom, I googled Jack and The Beanstalk and this is the first photo that came up.
This was the answer to all my questions. The Internet.
This costume is just so obvious, it's like a club to the head.

Yeah.... This is going to go over really good at school, now isn't it?
Wyatt does barefoot no problem, so I guess the question is which of my horses (I'm out of cows with the exception of my big ass) gets sacrificed for the large farm animal belt? That's some kind of snack right?
And then I got to thinking that it's highly likely this costume violates the school dress code in the subsection of visible skin allowances.
I think I have the bandanna, but what lovely furry thing can I use for his caveman like tutu? And hat?
And what's up with all these costume days at school anyway? When I was a kid we just went to school in regular clothes, none of these pajama day, crazy day, backward day, etc.
Oh, what's a mom to do?
I'm not crazy sick any more, but this lingering itch in my throat is killing me. Maybe it's the coughing for an hour last night before finally falling asleep. Or it could just be the Vicks vapor rub on my feet. That's supposed to stop coughing right? Well I think it worked.
Maybe it's just the Benadril making me loopy. No, it's the Benadril making me loopy.
Wah. Wah. Wah.
This is a mom's blog after all. Occupational hazards abound.
Costumes in March. Goat costumes?
I'm done now. I really have to take a nap.