The thought of totally replacing our little hovel of a shack is fabulous. (We have lived in an 800 square foot house for seven years now.) I've been combing the internet and getting all the information I can find on Craftsman style architecture. I even got one of Gustav Stickley's books to find prospective floor plans. Ha! I laugh out loud since they are not available in this world any longer. I guess I will be enlarging his four by five inch drawings. Yeah, that ought to work...
We are setting a goal of next summer for attaining this monumental feat. I just want to get up to the 1000 square foot range in house size. (The County we live in restricts the size of secondary dwellings on our property.) Thus, I will settle for the 200 square foot upgrade in the new house.
But with a certain style.
A style of simplicity and function beyond all else.
And well, of course, beauty. And yes beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
And we plan on including a 200-300 square foot garage that can be converted to a play room for the kids. You see we can have any sized garage we want by County rules. Like that makes any sense at all.
So you see I have been away from the blog with good reason. For happy reasons!