I decided I'd better check on the broody hen too. She's a buff orphington who decided she wanted to sit in her box and self induce a psychotic trance. We were in the habit of kicking her out of the box and making her go walk and play and socialize, but she was always found back in her hiding place again and again and again.
So instead of fighting her nature, SIL Suzi put a few eggs under her hoping for the best.
It seems like ages ago when this little experiment began. Actually it seems like over a month, but apparently I was wrong.
I went into the coop and looked at the hen who was in her normal state. That is a state with glazed eyeballs that stare into thin air.
BUT then I reached under her to see if the eggs were still there and BAM! There was a little black chick nestled all snuggy under her warm feathers. It takes about 21 days for chick eggs to hatch. So, I obviously have no sense of time.
I gently grabbed the little fuzz ball to see it more closely and I took the glamor shot with "Mom."
Now the real questions can begin. Like maternity questions. Not that this hen cares one little bit.
However, since the flock is composed of several kinds of hens this chick could be a barred-rock-Danish, or a Americauna-Danish, or a Orphington-Danish, or a Rhode Island-Danish...
But on one thing we are sure. It is with certainty that the father is. . . Mr. D.
Then looking again at this picture I wonder about one thing . . .
Was the mom the cat????
(Look in picture on left side)
OK, that was really bad. Just smack me now. I really deserve it.
LOL!!!!! What a cute chick. I wish I could have kept my rooster for that is the result I would have liked. But he was just too mean.
Oh, Julia, that is just the cutest lille sing...your SIL had a great idea! I hope mama chicken will snap out of it now that she has a purpose in life ;-)
Great post!
Have a wonderful day,
Doris :-)
hugs to your munchkins!
Congrads on your little chick! We are always playing guess the chicken parentage around here! I have one of my Buffs sitting on a dozen turkey eggs right now!
Oh how cute.
B***tard roosters!
I am thinking there might be more chicken and dumplings soon.....
LMAO! The cat blended right in! I laughed so hard when I went back and looked at the picture.
Congrats on your new addition. My senior year of college I did a thesis on chicken eggs. I couldn't tell you today how they do it...fertilize and all that good stuff.
Awwwwwwww what a cuuuuuuuute little baby chick! And what a great little setting hen. You better keep her around to expand your flock. hehe
You're lucky! Our Rhode Island reds just drop and run! A broody hen might be fun!
Don't know why, but that picture of the lil' chick under the mama just made me CRY.
Haven't we all had that glazed look at some time or another. Especially when babies are involved?
Lee-you are so right on the money.
LOL! No I think the cat is not dark enough to be the chick's mom.
LOL I would have never noticed the cat if you hadn't pointed it out. Does the cat bother the chickens? Cute little chick. The mama looks like she is thinking about the teen years. LOL
ohhhhh that is cute! But the mamma looks like she could care less, sort of me on a day when the teen has push me right to the edge! LoL
Mom- It's kind of strange with chickens. They always look like they could care less. But in actuality that mom is always on the verge of pecking my hand off. She gave me a good whack today. They are protective and lets say "focused."
Hello Julia! Thank you for stopping by to say hello...it was nice to 'meet' you. What a lovely blog you have...I love your post about the chick..I have a Buff Orpington (Buttercup) who get's broody quite regularly, she drives me nuts! I tried to get her to hatch some chicks but none if them did...in fact one day I went to pull her off the nest to eat and there were 4 eggs stuck to her feathers. I guess one of the eggs got crushed and she sat on it and moved around and then it stuck the other eggs to her as it dried! Poor girl. I saw your buck brush?..it looks very much like a lilac doesn't it. I hope the lilacs here last for a couple of weeks...I really will miss them when they're done blooming. Good luck with your book...Bingo looks like our Olly and Lizzy...but our's can't drive. I love aprons too by the way! Have a wonderful day...take care. Maura:)
what a darling little black ball of feathers! you must be a loving doting grandmother! ;) i know nothing about chickens but seems like you are lucky to have this little thing. kitty is cute with all the chickens...
What a pretty little chick! Nice picture too.
loved the pics!!i am so wanting to get chickens!!!
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