This hodge-podge mess of a post is random stuff. It's totally unrelated jibberish, but what the hey. . .
We got a new play structure. YEAH!!I've been wanting to get a new play structure for the kids for years, but have stalled on the whopping, rip-your-heart-out, suck you dry, leave you in poverty price they want for them at Costco. LUCKILY . . . a friend of ours did not want theirs any more and gave us one!! So what is old is new again!
I am really glad to be able to recycle this great playground and give it a new life.
BUTThe kids totally hate the thing.
They are just miserable playing on the tandem swing.

Just kidding!!!!
The kids are near brawling over this swing they love it so much. But from the looks on their faces you'd never guess they were quarreling only moments before.

How can one kid be so happy? I'm in awe. Pure unadulterated joy is hard to find. I think Wyatt can claim the title of happiest kid in town.
Our Menagerie Grows.Meet the newest member of our always amazing family. I introduce "Doggie" to you.

Note the jump rope "leash" attached to a common household step stool. How a plastic stool becomes a dog I will never know, but Ella has been dragging
this plastic stool around the house calling it her "DOG."
I was sitting in the kitchen with SIL Suzi and nephew Luke while Ella pulled "her dog" across the linoleum making a rather obscene noise most comparable to some rude form of a flatulence.
Luke chimes in, "Hey Ella, your dog sounds like he farts a lot." We all giggled and laughed a his ass-tute observation.
But Ella's quick reply in her high pitch toddler voice, "Doggie can fart morning, noon and night," put us in stitches as she chortled down the hall way with doggie in tow, farting.
Where did she learn that phrase? Where!!!
Much too much information.I wear cotton jockey underwear. I love them. They give full coverage to my hind end. I can't stand anything going up my buttock. You can keep your butt floss and skimpy underwear. They just aren't comfortable.
But what is all this underwear talk about?
Well, I was going to the bathroom the other day (at the end of the day) and I noticed I was wearing my underwear inside out. This has never happened before that I can recall.
Basically, I wore my underwear inside out all day long and did not notice. Agggghhh!!!!
I attribute it to the fact that comfortable cotton underwear looks almost the same from either direction. Getting dressed in a hurry in darkish conditions could cause this random miss application of my undergarment. Right? Right!
Tell me someone has worn their underwear inside out before beside me. . .
Or I'm gonna have to go to inside out underwear anonymous over this incident. I think I may suffer permanently psychological damage over this one.
More Bathroom HumorTrue.
More on Ella. My big girl, independent daughter, sassy pants, lady-girl has been wiping her own butt for many months. I am proud of the fact that I am no longer responsible for either of my children's potty hygiene . . .
However, today I hear her voice call me from the bowels of the bathroom where she asked, "Mom! Mom! Come wipe my butt."
The only sensible response was a flat refusal. "No Ella. No way!" I replied. "We're not going backward here."
Then from the bathroom she calls back, "I want to go backwards. Mom. I'll pay you 100 dollars to wipe my butt!"
I. Am. Not. Kidding.
File This Under Old Things that Should be Thrown Away.
I can NOT throw out these ratty jeans. Why do they have to disintegrate on me? Oh why do my favorite jeans always succumb to entropy?
My Cat Should be Arrested for his Obscene Behavior.There is cat love.
(put on your best Barry White voice)
And there is cat LOVE.

"Get a room."
A Parting Note.Two headed monsters really exist.

That's all folks!