I dropped an EC for you and added you on my EC drop list (http://booksonice.blogspot.com/2009/04/entrecard-links.html). Click on the Reuse, Reduce, Recycle icon.
Pricilla!!! It was an act of monumental proportions just to get the nine of us in the same space together for enough time to shoot the picture! A few kids are a little grumpy about photos for some strange reason. To get the horses and dog in would have been doable, but the cats impossible the fish incredible. Lets just leave it at that! Maybe I will have to do some kind of pets photo montage to satisfy some of the picky goat types.
Hi Julia, thanks for stopping at our blog. Ostern means Easter and derives from OSTARA. Ostara is the goddess of Spring according to the former Germanican pantheistic beliefs. Not being religious but pagan at heart there was none but OSTARA to be posted. You seem to have a very busy life and you are certainly not just a housewife but home maker. All the best. Paula xx
My gosh it's the modern day (and much more chic and cute) Engles family! Looks like so much fun.. BTW diggin' the aprons... even though I don't have a button on THAT blog!!!!
Cute! Love that you're wearing an apron!
Love it! I need a tripod I guess. I'm NEVER in pics!
Nice picture! We have wind and rain today!
That's my boy! Gotta love him despite his wacky tendencies.
What a lovely pic. Thanks for posting it.
Yes, it has been a nice Easter time...thanks.
I like the your approns!
Happy Easter! What a lovely bunch!
THAT'S fantastic...great job!
What a mess o' fine-lookin' folks!
Awwww, and in your aprons no less!
Beautiful! But where are the three horses, one dog, five cats, fourteen chickens and six fish?
This goat wants to know!
Great picture!!!
I dropped an EC for you and added you on my EC drop list (http://booksonice.blogspot.com/2009/04/entrecard-links.html). Click on the Reuse, Reduce, Recycle icon.
Happy Easter. Send some of that lovely sunshine this way ok??
Pricilla!!! It was an act of monumental proportions just to get the nine of us in the same space together for enough time to shoot the picture! A few kids are a little grumpy about photos for some strange reason. To get the horses and dog in would have been doable, but the cats impossible the fish incredible. Lets just leave it at that! Maybe I will have to do some kind of pets photo montage to satisfy some of the picky goat types.
And thanks to everybody who came for a visit!!! Really!
awesome picture, i love it. May you have a blessed Easter with your family.:))
Hi Julia, thanks for stopping at our blog. Ostern means Easter and derives from OSTARA. Ostara is the goddess of Spring according to the former Germanican pantheistic beliefs. Not being religious but pagan at heart there was none but OSTARA to be posted. You seem to have a very busy life and you are certainly not just a housewife but home maker. All the best. Paula xx
There's one in every family!
Cute photo. I hope you had a wonderful Easter.
Ir looks like you had a wonderful day. Great looking family.
Wanted to drop by and say hi! Love the pictures (I have one of those kiddos that refuses to smile nice for pics--go figure!)
My gosh it's the modern day (and much more chic and cute) Engles family! Looks like so much fun.. BTW diggin' the aprons... even though I don't have a button on THAT blog!!!!
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